Current Event

In the article, “A strong independent president candidate would be a nightmare” they state that having a strong independent president would be a bad idea. Some reasoning is, First of all religous beliefes and being Democratic and republican. For a independent candidate, at best it would mean 3 candidates splitting the popular vote, roughly a third apiece, with the independent edging out the others with at least 35 percent.
This effects the world because not everyone has the same beliefes, and not everyone believes that there should be such a strong independent president. I agree with this because everyone deserves equal rights.

Current Event

It is that time of year again for people to make unrealistic new years resolutions. Washington Post author, Wendy Wood, says that a lack of willpower is to blame for our bad habits. She also states that the best way to change a habit is to set realistic goals. I agree with this opinion because if you set realistic goals, you’re more likely to achieve and carry them out.

This affects me because I need to learn how to make realistic goals that i can achieve. For example, I set a goal to be on varsity in volleyball, but I should only work to be the best I can. This also affects the world because if people make more realistic goals they would not be so insecure about themselves and how they look.