Hi, my name is savannah and i am in 5th grade..This year my new years resolution is……..I will drink 1 soda a day and will bring my grades up in school and also be nicer to my family and friends:) Thanks for reading my post:) One last question what is your new years resolution if you know please leave a comment Thanks:::)))
Hey my New Year Resolution is to get good grades in school and to be nice to my friends and family.That’s about it!
k that is a good one thanks for replying sisster:)
My New year’s resolution is to try to get to spend more time with my g-girls! And not to fall down anymore!
Haha good one:)
Guess what else I did, cracked my tooth where there was a filling…..have to go to the dentist next Tuesday…….bummer!
OMG i go to the dentist todoy at 2:00 and they are going to clean my teeth and look at them and i might get ready for braces and they might pull 2 teeth out and they might put spacers in the spacers are little rubber bands that go in the back of your mouth:)i am reallt scared!!!!!:)
Oh man…….how did you turn out at the dentist? Do any of your friends have braces? The best part of getting braces is when you get them off and your teeth are really pretty! I love you!